There are a variety of types of garage insulation that can be suitable for your garage. Here are some of the common types of insulation for your garage door;
Foam Insulation
In this type of insulation, you can choose between polystyrene and polyurethane. Polyurethane is very malleable and is also utilized in making products like constructions, types of furniture, and car seats. This material is a useful material that attaches better to the door and provides quality results in thermal resistance.
While in polystyrene, is usually utilized for products like styrofoam cups and packaging. Remember, whatever type of foam you use as your insulation, make sure that it leans aluminum or vinyl to prevent a possible fire inside your garage.
Batt Insulation
This type of Garage Door Insulation in Santa Clarita , CA , uses a flexible material and is usually placed on the exterior walls. Battery insulation is made up of fiberglass and bears a foil or paper to support the flow of air and vapor. Although it is known as a great insulator for walls, this type of insulation is not strongly recommended for garage doors. To use this type of insulation effectively, you need to use a thinner type that is placed in a foil-like which wrapped around the HVAC ducts.